Institute of Optical Materials and Technologies
"Acad. Jordan Malinowski"

Acad. J. Malinowski (1923 - 1996)
Academician Jordan Malinowski was born on 03.06.1923 ...
National projects
National Science Infrastructure

Most significant scientific achievement for 2024
Thin ZnO films deposited by electro-spray method for QCM ammonia sensing, coordinator Prof. Dr. Tsvetanka Babeva
The electrospray deposition conditions of ZnO films have been optimized in order functionalization of QCM sensors for ammonia detection to be performed. A sensor sensitivity of 0.12 Hz/ppm was achieved with a layer thickness of only 200 nm. The substrate...
Most significant applied scientific achievement for 2024
Detection of Helicobacter pylori in saliva based on Surface Plasmon Resonance by binding of Lewisb (Leb) blood group antigen to specific adhesin BabA, coordinator Georgi Dyankov
Helicobacter pylori affects about half of the population around the world. Therefore, timely and reliable diagnosis of the disease...
About us
The Institute of Optical Materials and Technologies (IOMT) “Academician Jordan Malinowski” has been established on July 1, 2010 by merging two research units: The Central Laboratory of Photo-processes and The Central Laboratory of Optical Recording and Processing of Information.
The main research goals of the institute are:
⁕ Investigation of ...